from 52 to 113 and every one of those destroyers is called an arley burk class destroyer, built along the lines of the very first one. so it's wonderful to have a ship named after you for anybody. it's a deep honor, but a particular honor to be the lead ship of the class and that honor was bestowed on admiral burk the greatest of our destroyer officers, the most impactful surface line chief of naval operations. he was the cno for six years, an iconic naval figure and all the ships in that class are ar leey burk class destroys. i'll close by saying mine this, second of the class, was named the barry after john barry who is not terribly well-known, revolutionary war navy captain, a contemporary roughly of john paul jones, and was a superb naval officer. those who served in the barry are very proud of that and proud to be the barry just like my wife is proud to be the sponsor of 113, the john finn, named for a medal of honor winner at pearl hash per, and all of white house served in any of those destroyers are very proud to be destroyer men and women, and to serve in an early burk class