question filemon experienced it himself he lives in busy berlin despite having a happy family and professional success he felt miserable. he grew up in a village and the anonymity of the city bothered him he felt like a stranger in his neighborhood what could he do to change things what about ringing the neighbor's door bell as a foreigner i think when i stood there in front of the doorbell my heart was racing i've never been so nervous in my life that it felt like such an unbelievable hurdle . he went on to found the internet platform navan and dot de it allows people who live around the corner but don't know one another to get in touch online and meet and network of people you don't know the opposite to facebook because. it's the ideal door opener for one i think we just want to lower the hurdle a bit so you can take the first step then you can break the ice and it all gets easier after that if i'm going for. i have over. the network now has eight hundred thousand members across germany including daniela maya from mannheim. the single mother was looking for new friendships and found the fire