rick aldridge, llama owner:"we decided that since she connects with people so well, what arful thing it would be for her to become a therapy llama.">( james ) aldridge says caring for the llamas has been a form of therapy for him and his wife as well. ( james ) coming up on the kron-4 morning news at 5... details on the pg&e bankruptcy... as critics say it hurts both ratepayers and fire victims. ( james ) plus... lawmakers are meeting to prevent another government shutdown... and both parties are sounding off on what could happen next. (james) and... midwestern storms already having an impact in the bay area... live look outside... at the san francisco international airport... where flights are delayed. kron-4's sara stinson will have the very latest. (ácommercialá) they say, at a certain age you just stop caring. i wonder what age that is. simply ageless foundation with olay. tones, hydrates, and reduces the look of wrinkles. from covergirl. they say you should always listen to your heart. and where better to do that, than the island of ireland? after all, your heart is th