owners say, the baby llama will be used as a therapy animal at a nearby health facility.chaplain rick aldridge, llama owner:since she connects with people so well, what a wonderful thing it would be for her to become a therapy llama."(pam)a therapy llama."for her to become a therapy llama."(pam) aldridge says, caring for the llamas has been a form of therapy for him and his wife as well. (ken) stephon clark's family.... asking for justice. and now the attorney general is weighing in on the controversial killing. what he wants the police department to do now. (ken) the family of stephon clark say they want justice... and they want to heal. (pam) this week ... they filed a civil lawsuit against the two police officers who killed clark in sacramento last march. reporter rowena shaddox spoke with the family. natsot/police radio as officers chased clarksequette clark, stephon clark's mother: "we're just still trying to heal. every day i wake up, this just happened yesterday for me. so, whether it be a year or 10 years, my son is dead. i'll never get to kiss his face again, ever."tommy thompson, ste