. >> reporter: set secret number three, yehya's real breakdown. >> it wasn't fun.od to do. but it was powerful. and it definitely had an impact on me as an actor. to do that, yes. that was real. >> again and again and again. >> reporter: how was that? >> oh, it was awful. it was degrading. it stunk. i wanted to vomit, you know. i got, you know, the things that happened in the body when something happens like that in real life happened on set. you know, you're acting, it's make believe, but the lines get blurry, especially when you're using something like real saliva. >> reporter: no doubt emotion overran the set on many days but there was a family feeling that began from day number one. set secret number four. >> please talk about. >> cuba on the opening party for the cast, oprah was there, everybody was there, cuba decided to jump into the pool naked. let's just say that was the beginning of "the butler." well, "lee daniels the butler" >> reporter: set secret revealed. back to you. >> michelle turner, she really gets the dirt, doesn't she? >> she gets the inside s