. -- teju, what do you think? if they don't| thinking on this matter. -- teju, i what do you think? they— same problems again. and especially when they keep dividing every single sub—postmaster within that group, the script— sub—postmaster within that group, the script or that group, they needs to get— the script or that group, they needs to get it _ the script or that group, they needs to get it sorted out, and come to the public— to get it sorted out, and come to the public with something more tangible — the public with something more tangible that we can all rely on, notiust— tangible that we can all rely on, notjust promises.— tangible that we can all rely on, notjust promises. sure. do you have confidence that _ notjust promises. sure. do you have confidence that any _ notjust promises. sure. do you have confidence that any senior _ confidence that any senior executives from either fujitsu or the post office, if they need to be brought to account, will be? what do you think? i brought to account, will be? what do ou think? 1' brought to account, will be? what do ou think? ~' ,