and our former colleague, ira hutchison, we're glad to have him back. grossman is always on the case. mr. wisener, you're a relative newcomer here. it's no secret. we're going to decide how we resolve this situation. thank you for your indulgence, chairman nadler. >> thank you, mr. chairman. in the interest of proceeding to our witnesses and mindful of our busy schedule, i would ask that other members submit their statements for the record. without objection all members have five legislative days for optimism. without the chair will be authorized to declare a recess of the hearing which we will only do in case of votes on the floor. as we ask questions of our witnesses the chair will recognizes members in the order of their majority in the subcommittee and providing that the members present when his or her turn arrives. members not present will be recognized after the other members have had the opportunity to ask their questions. the chair reserves the right to accommodate members late or who is only able to be with us for a short time. i would like now