the economic study we released earlier this month based on research by jonathan gruber found that without reform, health care will cost small-businesses $2.4 trillion over the next 10 years. we are pleased to see the house bill addresses key cost containment measures such as expanded use of transparency, prevention and chronic disease management. our polling shows that the key to controlling costs in the market place where there's healthy competition, there must be an insurance exchange from the robust. the national insurance marketplace, to national rules. there are standardized benefit packages, without regard to treat existing conditions or health status. and marketplace transparency. a balanced set of reforms will require everyone to participate. 66% of business owners in recent poll in 16 states, releasing preliminary data today, support the idea that the responsibility for financing health care system should be shared among individuals, employers, providers and government. it should be noted that response to our surveys include an average of 17% more republicans than democrats, 40%-