i've got one there from loretta lynn. not all learning comes from books. you have to live a lot. think that life experience -- we know that that is -- that's so important. and between each chapter in the book i've told a story of a wonderful woman, different women whether from different parts of the country, from different areas of work, who have taken their life equity, their strengths, their experiences, put it to work on their passions to achieve their goals. and there's some wonderful stories there. but the chapter 5 reappraising your life and calculating your equity. i use a quote from marian williamson and i'm quoting her. our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. we ask ourselves, who4 am i toe brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? actually, who are you not to be? you are a child of god. i hope each and every one of you have a wonderful, a wonderful life equity experience in your life and thank you very much for giving me the time for being here today