whereas during debate in the congressional record on page h-4410, chairwoman louise m. slaughter of the rules committee stated, if we want to foster democracy in this body we should take the time and thoughtfulness to debate all major legislation under an open rule, not just appropriation bills, which are already restricted. an open process should be the norm and not the exception. whereas since january, 2007, there has been a failure to commit to an open and transparent process in the house of representatives. whereas more bills were considered under closed rules, 64 total in the 110th congress under democratic control than in the previous congress, 49 under republican control. whereas fewer bills were considered under open rules, 10 total in the 110th congress under democratic control than in the previous congress, 22 under republican control. whereas fewer amendments were allowed per bill, 7.68 in the 110th congress under democratic control than in the previous congress, 9.22 under republican control. whereas the failure to commit to an open and transparent process i