n.h. he said they could. -- mhz said they could. we got a lot of close-up set pieces, but they said, if you want to bring your own stuff, we have storage containers in the parking lot. we said, okay, fine. we did not have any choice. we brought enough chairs for the audience and all of our set pieces. every morning, the crew would show up. it was like that answer and the cartoon carrying stuff into the studio -- it was like the chancants in the cartoon carryig sutff. -- stuff. >> the highlight of our final season was the new gingrich show. the outlet for liberalism and conservatism in the country. take a look at this fascinating discussion. >> the power of the media to carry messages from the party to the voter? >> i think the media, the traditional elite media -- where it became a surprise was if you go back to the '40's and '50's and early '60s, this was an interesting phenomena. there was this belief you could go the journalism school and the value neutral. you could cover the news, the editorial page was over here, and you were