advocated that our country needs comprehensive reform that includes modernizing our delivery system, tecla in the fundamental drivers of healthcare costs rath, strengthening employer-based coverage and providing well targeted support for low-income families. to be effective, to be effective we believe the modernization of the individual market these contain all of the following elements. first of all, individuals must be required to obtain or maintain health coverage so that everyone who participates in both the benefits and the cost of the system. second, ensure should be able to set rates within limited parameters of age, geography, family size and benefit design just as they do in the group market. however i want to emphasize this point. rates should not carry on health status and coverage should be guaranteed, regardless of preexisting medical conditions for those that maintain continuous coverage. there, though and middle income families should receive some form of subsidy to ensure they have the same access to care as all americans for gofourth, insurers should be able to offer a wid