. -- treshry. he -- treasury. he had had eight years working on a theory known as keynesian economics. he was one of the main arc text of keynesian economics. the idea was what the government needs to do is stimulate the economy. you have heard the phrase over and over, stimulate the economy and the purpose of splate stimulating the economy is -- stimulating the economy is to creater more jobs. that's like grabbing your straps on your boot lifting up and trying to fly around the room. it doesn't work. after eight years of failed experience, these were the words, the very quote of henry morganthau, here in this building before the ways and means committee. he says, we have tried spending money. we are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. his words are echoing down through history. it does not work. i say of after eight years of the administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. and an enormous debt to boot. these are the words coming to us , floating down through