the average nebraskan would have something to say about that in terms of whether they are welty. -- wealthy. let's look at the next bracket, those taxed at 28%. the income levels for this bracket are roughly $78,000 and $164,000 for singles. for married couples, it's $131,000 to $200,000. what does this mean? this means that a landscape architect in nebraska making $75,000 a year, hypothetically, married to an emergency room nurse making $59,000 a year would fall into a 90% tax rate. again, i would suggest if you ask this couple, i'm quite confident they would not describe themselves as wealthy. you see, taxing the middle class to the tune of 90% would bring this economy to its knees. there's some notion in america that we the people should be the masters of our own economic success. if you tax someone at a 90% rate, you take away the economic incentive to be innovative, to strive for greater success. eventually you end up with slim or no productivity or competitiveness, yet this administration keeps spending like it's monopoly money. just this week, more directions -- get that money out th