read you the elements of the interim report that found their way to the public domain prior to today wilbur struck by the fact these examples cited did not in fact speak to abuse or fraud, rather to some of the structural challenges that are all too well known. for example the bill of a dining facility had cost to the government despite questions as to the need for the base. it isn't a case of contractor or government fraud or misconduct inefficient and waste but not fraud or misconduct. similarly as the commission continues on highly publicized and often tragic defense and demystified perceptions that at times overwhelmed the facts. finally, the commission has held only two public hearings and in both cases on the government officials were invited to testify. there are however numerous perspectives that must be heard from to ensure balance objective review. .. the thank you. i had a chance to look at the report quickly last night. the panel focused on oversight is appropriate but i think mrs. an important part of the front in the process, making sure there are the resources available to ex