judge somayor went own to employ her eormous talentsat princeton, where she achved thehighest honor. this isn award thats given not just to t smartesttudent in t css but to the most ceptionally smart student who's given the most to her commit she graduated from yale law school. i believe that theearings will mte less than for the several previous nominees or at the least, that these hearings ll bear outwhat is obvious about her. that she is modest and humble in her approach to judging. as we become even mo familiar wi her incisive mind and balanced views, i am certain that this heang will prove to all what is already clear to many. this is a moment in which all americans canake great pride. not just new yorkers, not just hispanics, not just women, but all americans who believe opportunity and who want for themselves and their children a fair reading of the laws by dge who understands that while were a nation of individuals, we are all gorned by on law. mr. airman,eople felt at the founding of america that ware quote, god's noble experiment. judge sotomay's personal sry shows that oda