she goes back and tries to meet with la deux and sits in his office, and he will not see her.ou know, the who'll thing again, is completely absurd and finally, she catches up with him, and she tells him this information, and he says, that is -- that is not important and you know, as for the other information, you have about some submarine landing, where is it, when is it, how many men and she doesn't know those things and it's not easy to get people to tell you those things and there probably never was a submarine landing, it is disinformation she was being given to take back to him. but what la deux does from the moment she comes back onto french soil is assigns to beat cops to follow her. this is where it becomes a farce. here are these two ordinary beat cops following around this woman, dressed to the nines, going to the best hotels and the best restaurants and milners and the glove makers and boot makers and the best restaurants and the theatre, and they are following her, pretty much 24/7. all in all, they do this forrics months and listen in on phone calls and in septemb