dirksen senate office building cheryl mccasgill first day. halfway through the ceremony victor was called on stage with the other fathers. he is feeling something special. victor turned to francesca, his outreach worker, and asked if he could go last. when his turn came he strode to the lectern looking shark in a button-down shirt and sharp jeans, there were 300 people in the gym sitting on folding chairs facing the stage, 103 graduating parent plus family and friends, the entire baby college staff at the top managers of the harlem children's zone. geoffrey canada sat in the front row with george on one side and his wife and his son jeffrey jr.. victor looked at the crowd and swallow. hello, he said into a microphone, how the everybody doing? his voice, high and nervous, filled the gym. my name is victor and i had a great time at baby college, it was one of my best time ever. there was a little applause. the graduate were in the center section sitting by class, everyone decked out in white and looking clean cut. i will like to call up cheryl.