so with that six-month mark, michael o'hanlon joins us's talk first about the ayatollah in iran today, pushing back very hard, so the leaders in iran pushing back hard against rafsanjani and the other protesters from the friday prayers. . >> hi, andrea. i think we have to assume on iran that in the short-term, the more repressed elements of the state will prevail. ahmadinejad, ayatollah khamene. as you say, they're already pushing back against protesters and cut back the street protests to a very small size. even if those protests continue, they are not at the tens of thousands of size we saw initially. so in the short-term, the hardliners will win, but there is enough ferment in iran to give some longer-term hope, unfortunately, not soon enough to address the nuclear crisis where iran could have a bomb, but over the longer term, somewhat hopeful. >> hillary clinton is in new delhi today, wrapping up a three-day trip to india. interestingly, she did not couple this trip to india with a trip to pakistan, which used to be absolutely requi