asked that question about five weeks ago, having breakfast with the sixth man to walk on the moon, ed mitchchl. he asked the same question. and i said, with well, i was a young cowboy on the northern border of brazil and i got badly injured by a wild horse and i'm lying thunderstorm wild horse kicking and thrashing about and and others came running over and pulled me out from underneath and said, well, the nearest doctor is 26 days on foot from here. by that time i got the inspiration for bringing those doctors a little bit closer but when i said that, the astronaut, ed mitchell, said, gosh, i was on the moon and i was only three days from the nearest doctor. and i said, well, you know, for the people that we're expecting to see in los angeles and those thousands that we've seen in the past, you know, if it wasn't for these wonderful volunteers that are donating their services, they might as well be on the moon or in the northern amazon basin. because they simply don't have acacss to the care they need. tavis: do you keep and if not, is it by design to not keep any data on the people that you