ani think paul raises legit mss concerns about reasonswhy it's more expeive in some stat or for certain grps that are older. but you can adjust for those in setting up the tax exclusion, setting up ts new tax by a justing it for higher cost regis and more expensive grou. >> ll, let me, before we get into at, jonathan gruber, how would it work? explin who wou be taxed, ow much would they be taxe do we have awers to those questions? >>we don'tave precise swers but we can say roughly the idea would b at your employer would get a notfrom the government saying that if or the insurance comny would get a note from the governmt saying thatf the insunce plan costs more than some vel, let's say 20,000 doars, then the difference between the amount and that $20,000 is taxable so if the iurer has a $25,00 plan en they would be tad at some ra, some are talking about a ra above 35% on e difference between 25,000 and 20,000 dollars. this wld really only affect the veryost expensive health pla. this i not going toffect most workers. >> and paulronstin, this question owho would be taxed, we herd in betty