he would preachersonal salvion, but he would also preach social salvation. he wld reach out. i ave come that you may hav life, not i ve come to take you to heaven. >> rerter: pastor mark whitlock is a co-direct of passing the mantl he says because of rev. rray he turnedis life around, so he knows a pastor can make difference, evenith kids society deembeyond hope. >> i would probablye one of those people youould be afraid of in e community, yeah, sold some oduct that were illegal and did some things th i'm not very proud of. >> reporter: now, pastor of chst our redeemer a.m.e. church, he sees w much more dficult it is today for inner city kids to break fe of their environment. he was once one of those kid th need for black churches to get inlved, he says, is urgent. >> it's mmediate, and you look at the challen of gang vience, the number of african arican latinos that are locke up in is country, over a million,he absence of african ericans graduating, particularly africaamerican men graduating fro high schools and eveelementary schools, the attention is necessarnow, and it's a