out of therougugh,no. so only y yang has to do is two-puputt for the win.he birdie, yang your pga championship winner, the first asian plpler ever toin a major. >>> at the world track championships, the 100 meters usain bolt 9.58 seconds beat his old world record by 0.11, the man is fast. let's go back to "america this morning" with jeremy and vinita. >> that is fast. not breaking records but all big winners when it comes to spunk. >> some of the fastest dachshunds tour it up in the grth annual wiener dog prvoced e an tiz ize a two-night stay at a luxury hotel, of course, with vip pet treatment. honestly, what thanks do we owe progress? we're up to our necks in landfill, and down to the wire in resources and climate change is out to get us. that's why progress plays no role inside post shredded wheat. here, we put the "no" in innovation. post original shredded wheat is still just the one simple, honest ingredient which naturally comes with vitamins, minerals and fiber. all we did was make it spoon size. did we go too far? >>> from regional weather to the we