of bankf america. a surprise announcement lat today lewis told the board o e banking giant he'll be retire at the end of t year. he's leaving after a tenur rked and marred by the bank' rchase of merrill lynch january 1. lewis and b.o.a. havcome under fire sce it was learned merrill gave billions ofollars in bonus to employees while getting bailout money fromhe government. lewis says he's confent in leaving now, becse b.o.a. is ready meet the challenges of a global economy. the bank says lewiwas a key ayer in establishing it as a global fincial franchise and now itill look for a suessor. joining now on the phone for the test analysis ofewis' retirement from b.a. is dick bo, bank analyst at rochedale securities. her heo. >> susie why now? why the timing of today's departure? >> i think there areust too many govnmental actions being brght against the company. i think that new york city and ohio are both sng the company. you've got the s.e. c., congress, and federal judg alwanting to do something against t