is her -- buacus. is he going to yield? >> i don't think max is going to be given much choice. he's been given a great deal of room, months to come up with a bipartisan deal and it hasn't happened. norah: joe, one of the things the president made very clear -- he claimed this is not going to add one dime to our deficit. has he explained how that is? >> read my lips. i think it's a problem and i think that the source of revenue that they've located -- this tax on high priced insurance policies is inelegant and ridiculous. it's going to trickle down to other policy holders. i thought the president's first idea, which was a limitation the deductions that rich people can take was a really good idea. norah: then how do you sell it? >> you can never prove something is going to be deficit neutral. norah: helene, do they feel the president took control? >> the people at the white house were pretty pleased. for them it was more about unifying the base, the democrats. as howard said they've pretty much given up on the republicans. they'll say it's bipartisan because it has elements of th