reset the butn and start to seriously work with us because do think it's possible to get something constructiv done. >> rose: so you think hehould stt all over? >> no, i tnk tt he should me and look at where we're at, where he's at, where his caucuses is at. because whilthere have been bills put out of committee, the ly bipartisan votes against this legislation have en agnst it. >> rose: this speech was adessed to both congress a tohe public. at has to change? what kind of sponse out there...r is itsimply now a se of push and pulln the congress? >> well, the inside ga.... >> rose: dynamiof where we are. >> the inside politic is affected by the ouoor politics in the sense that fe he changed public rceptions a little bit, particularlyf he appealed to me of those iependent voters o were gettingncreasingly skepcal of this plan, that's going to me it easr for the centrist democrats and maybe even a f repubcans-- not very many, you're talking about two or thr at the mosts uck grassley, mike enzire never going to vote fo this bill. but olympia sno, as i said earlie, mig. so i he changes perceptionsut