. >> one of the things representative gene taylor, chairman of the house power committee, pushing theion of more nuclear powered surface ships, to return nuclear power to surface ships and even for destroyers and cruisers that we had until the 1990s's. some say nuclear power should be used for small nuclear generators to power forward bases and things like that. what is the view? how widely can you use nuclear power given the concerns and opposition that goes along with that? >> as a nation and in the global society we live we have to tackle the threats of climate change. climate change is a threat multiplier for instability for fragile regions of the world. as we look to repower our economy to reduce those threats we're going to be looking at a range of new types of energy sources and of using more efficiently sources like nuclear, which are indeed, you know, carbon-free. so that is important. moving to these low and no carbon sources. i expect to see more of a mix in certain areas, more opportunities for nuclear power. >> and citing is the big issue here. >> for land basing, you loo