that's what i call ultrapowerful. now, these are the kind of innovations that allow garry to deliver professional power for a whole lot less money. >> what difference does it make when it comes time to cleaning my house? >> well, that's a great question, so let's find out by going head-to-head with some cleaning comparisons. so i wanted to start with a side-by-side comparison of the oreck and garry. now, i've thrown some candy on the floor here because i know you have that problem with carl, and you do with your kids, right? [laughter] so we're gonna go one at a time. o.k., zondra, vacuum away. let's see what happens. well, you can see right away, we have what we call the snowplow effect. >> oh, man, if i wanted myself a snowplow, i would have just bought myself a snowplow. what's up with that? [laughter] >> o.k., let's see how garry does. >> carl: wow! >> bob: might as well finish the job here, right? and just like that, you can see why garry is called the no backtrack vac. now, what that means is, you don't have to