it was visitry althen. norah: scoops and pdictions right out of the norah: welcome back. as chris would say, tell me something i don't know. >> even as this coming week, senator baucus, the chairman of the finance committee is saying he'll be coming o with a health care bill, the balance of power is beginning to shift in the senate and on capitol hill and it's shifting to a group of centrist democrats in the senate and they have specific concerns about health care, the cost and they're going to start really weighing in on this. norah: joe? >> in afghanistan the bad news isn't just the widespread fraud in the election but that the nature of the fight has changed. the taliban are standing up and finding set piece battles. there was a nine-hour firefight the other day i'm told by military sources, which means that the taliban are we'll organized, we'll disciplined and very, very we'll armed. norah: lean? >> still on the afghanistan front. the afghanistan war has now passed vietnam as the longest war this country has ever been in and i think it's going to be going on for a fe