it is important say and mentioned that we d not py flamenco.k that we place flamenco, but that is serious t flamencoovers. we loved flamenco, but do not confuse us. tavis: in six seasons of hostg the sw, most the end of season7, i think you a te first musica artist we have d on the show who i let perform before i had the conversatio. always do with the other way around. coersation first, then the ndperforms, bu i cannot figure out aay to describe at it is. said, let's do ts fir, then the cversation. you are part of tavis smiley trivia, the firstguest to do th out of order. >> that is good. like to go out of der. tavis: can see. the newd, "11:11," 11 tracks insped by 11 artis. >> santana, jimi hendrix. >> pink floyd. we did notnow that we were going to pla world music festivalsr rock festivals. we come fm the rock side. we played some worlmusic festivals ck in the day and we did not feel righ itas weird. essentially, things changed d moved around t where ouroots were. i feel betr. >> it was chlenging, and it is, t this is the only way we can do