. >> we have medical testimony, unrefuted, unrefuted internist. and this isn't subjective. ates spent three nights in the hospital tested overnight for sleep disorder, sleep apnea. >> you say he was too sleep -- judge karen? >> this is michelle. >> oh, michelle, okay. somebody. >> thank you. we also know that people who are small and weak can lift up cars when they get an adrenaline rush. our bodies take over in moments of stress, fight or flight, and will do what we need to do to get done. and literally this could -- i find it very interesting. >> like sumo wrestlers -- >> the doctor addressed exactly that issue. the doctor said, you can lift up a car, an old lady can lift up a car to free her child. but she cannot hold the car up for 21 hours. >> isn't there somehow evidence against the defendant in this case, isn't there some computer evidence that he was searching on how to commit the perfect murder, how to pick a lock on a sliding glass door? don't they also have some wiretaps where he's talking to his sister and his mother and saying, let's make sure we all have our s