we met with the district attorney ed grantis, margaret russ. and after going over some facts of the case, the fayetteville police department will be filing the following charges against mario mcneill -- first-degree murder, first-degree rape of a child. the criminal investigation's surrounding this unfortunate tragedy continues as the task force follows up on many numerous leads and gathers additional information pertaining to the investigation. as such in an effort to protect the integrity of the investigation and not jeopardize the criminal prosecution of any pending charges, we will not discuss many details of the investigation. it is our sincere hope that the davis family may now begin to put this horrific event behind them and begin the healing process. . >> ms. davis had let mr. mcneill take this child in turn for -- because she owed him a debt, money. can you say -- >> the current charges on ms. davis are standing as they are right now. >> okay. >> chief, after mcneill's first arrested for kidnapping, your department said that he'd admit