. -- andy mccarthy. >> we heard the attorney general, does that make sense to everyone now? we are back here because he thinks it's a crime and we know it is a war. we're back here in this spot where they declared war against us 16 years ago. when they did -- when they declared war with us, they were using bombs and we answered with subpoenas. they attacked and we indicted. we brought them to that building where they could have a jury, a trial before a jury of their peers. now they want to give khalid sheikh mohammed a trial before a jury of his peers. when i looked out of my fellow new yorkers, i know khalid sheikh mohammed see 'speers. i see khalid sheikh mohammed's enemies. we are here because we do want to go back to september 10th and nobody should dare tell new yorkers that we are here because we are a khalid sheikh mohammed afraid of -- because we are afraid of khalid sheikh mohammed. there are people who were appear before 9/11 were facing down terrorists and the people who are running this government now were pardoning terrorists. there are people here who, after 9/