standards together so that we have an even policy across our law enforcement agents, agencies in hennepin county. but, yes, i do think that type of training would be helping. i get calls all the time from police officers who simply are not aware of all of the capabilities of dna typing. dna typing has changed drastically in the 20 years that i've been working on it, and so law enforcement needs to understand that whereas 20 years ago we needed a significantly large sample to get dna from, peanutly, for example -- recently, for example, we obtained dna from a murder victim by simply swapping the area that we believed the perpetrator had grabbed this victim, and the lab was able to swab that area where he had put his hands on her and come up with a dna profile that confirmed who we thought that was. >> my time is up, i want to yield to senator sessions, and then i'm going to turn the gavel over to senator klobuchar. as you may have gathered from some of the press, there are, unfortunately, several things going on here right at the moment. and in case i do not get back, i wanted to thank eve