at some level, i'm voting for perl, but what questions are they wanting to solve when a walk in on electionday? let's take a look at some of the presidential election candidat candidates. sometimes it's pretty easy to discern the. 2008, which candidate is going to represent the kind of change that i think needs to be embodied in moving this country forward. obama represent more change than hillary did. so obama won the democratic primary. mccain was sort of the anti-bush inside the republican primary. he ended up winning the republican nomination. you will remember, back after the republican convention, mccain was actually ahead during the first of september. at that point in time the public was thinking yeah, i want change but i want a little more stable kind of change. than september 15 came along, lehman brothers collapses, the public says things really are bad. the kind of change i want needs to be more drastic. obama shoots ahead and becomes a heavily democratic. 2004, the first presidential election after 9/11, i submit you voters are asking which president is going to make us more se