in my years, working to end violence against women, i've had vawa a firsthand look at vawa.nment to strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies in cases involving violent crime against women. it insures victims are safer and treated more uniformly. the grants all-out jurisdictions that allow specific barriers faced by victims in rural areas. in vermont, it has created specialized domestic violence unit which now reviews 100% of child abuse and neglect cases. this insures children get the support they need. the sexual assaults services program was staffed. it allows states to provide much-needed direct services to victims and to various organizations including law enforcement and social services. rape crisis centers will be able to provide expanded medical support to victims of sexual assault. the continuation of these funds is important and will result in safer communities. more and more victims are coming forward each year. they're rising demand for services means that many desperate victims are turned away. you noted that in just one day nearly 9000 req