mcnall became my clients when foreclosure was filed. -- they all became my clients when foreclosure was filed. i set out to try to find them leverage. this is difficult since our system of forced them none. generally, it is only when i backed the plan if it into a case that any sort of concession emerges. -- generally, it is only one eye back to the plaintiff in to i have filed 60 of these motions. in only two of the cases, because i got a completed package and all others were contested. we're hearing have occurred, all but one granted my motion. not one of my clients who got into a trial modification received a permit modification even after exceeding a three month trial time, submitting all required documentation and making payments. i take issue with any claims that to the foreclosure crisis is improving. most troublesome is that the owners of many of these homes could and would have made payments. the program and to be purely voluntary programs exist but did not do enough or work fast enough to change the landscape significantly. the real problems are that the mortgage industry play