these are existingboroers. these are people with very low debt to equity ratio. what is the answer?side that's we invited them to come out to our district and perhaps help the banks out. part of the issue is more than one regulator. next time police ask who the regulator is. i'd like to hear from you. i'll be happy to talk about it. we understand that if a baroer is not able to manage the loans. we want the bank to make the loan. the problem is that we are at the beginning of a real recovery. not making up jobs for the dumb stimulus bill. the creation of real jobs going back to work and exportered. they just can't get the money >> i'd be happy to hear more details. we are working very hard to ensure that's not the case in bank that's we supervisor. >> is it possible that you could be personal with some of these people? >> certainly. >> i'll take you up on that >> the committee will be in recess. in member that wants to ask questions, we'll call on them. . .