it including paying, pay as you go financing, which was reinstating this week at the president's urblinging that will be helpful. but we also have to be mindful that we have to get people working again. >> so you say you want the jobs bill. the senate make take the jobs bill in the next couple of days. how soon should they return to the health bill? >> quickly. we want to move quickly on that. the president feels as great a sense of urgency as ever about this, and his sense of urgency has been made more acute by figures released just last week that showed enormous increases as a proportion of the economy in health care spending just in the last year. in the last week in california, blue cross blue shield announced a 39% rate increase for people in the individual insurance market. these problems are just going to get worse. the burden that they place on families, businesses, and the budget overall are just going to get worse. the american people don't want us to walk away from this problem. the president isn't going to walk away from this problem. >> he said last week he wants democrats and