opportunities from my perspective, the state department rarely have sufficient information to revoke abdulmutallab bbv said. state department officials officials already had decided t2 another missed opportunity occurred in amsterdam. amsterdam is one of those rare airports in europe throughout the world where a small number of u.s. immigration advisory officials are stationed. these officers can ask an airline not to board a passenger who will be prohibited from entering our country upon arrival. those whose visas have been this was another missed opportunity to stop mo tall ab. another mised opportunity to stop him apparently occurred at the national counter terrorism center. the president has stated that there was amp intelligence on him to warrant his inclusion on the no fly list, yet, this did not occur even after his father's warning. it did not oh cur because other streams of nferings intelligence mentioned by the chairman were not connected until it was too late. a basic question about this missed opportunity is, why did the intelligence community fail to analyze all the available information