if you remember connie cheng said between you and me and i guess mrs. gingrich thought that this wasn't going to be on camera and of course it was on camera. it's important to understand the full terms by which a contact to journalism. everett on the record, everything will be used with your name attached to them at this, or so taken aback or on background, this is an important one because the description that you as a source for whistleblower and you're not use your name, but you're providing information you just afford at the beginning with the journalist and make sure he could the identity come your description i because i describe you to accurately or to precisely communicate in trouble. if i describe you to inaccurately, going to get the public and trouble to serve the public. what a great example when scooter libby tried to be called a congressional source because it worked for 20 years before and went to the judy miller case. it's important for me to be accurate getting the description of an anonymous source and background is essential. there's a