so the state following freid's argument is the same. there's things a modern state does that many people deeply dislike and they cite religious ground public education teaches things many religious parents don't like such as the theory of evolution and the equality of women. parents often bring that to court but typically they lose. because these are essential values for our society. public health regulations licensed butchers who cut up pigs for human consumetions. jews don't want to be associated with that practice but nobody believes they have a right to ask the state to impose their religiously grounded objection and abhorrence on all citizens. the old order amish don't want their children to attend public school until 14 saying the schooling is destructive of community and the state respects that choice for amish children. the state even allowing amish children to break the law that requires them to be in school past age 14. but no one would dream of thinking that the amish have a right to expect that the state will make school end