study by two economists who looked over a 40 year period that did what you call a fiscal console i hadation. they found that the efforts at cutting spending were more effective than the ones lowering taxes my experience tells me we should focus on the spending side. >> christian, do we lean on reducing spending? or increasing taxes? you are still collecting payroll taxes. that tells you this is fairly large. you have to look at where we would actually start cutting. there are some bare bones programs on the spending side that leaves us ultimately looking at the revenue side. you need to start with the tax cut that's were enacted in the last 10 years. we start with the diff i dend tax cuts and capital gain tax cuts. we take them back and start filling the whole on the revenue side. that's a good start to get us going in deficit reduction. host: james on the republican line. caller: i'd like to have my full time here, please. i'd like to say that our spending goes back to when a prior caller said about the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the whole war on terror. look at the pretext to going