[applause] >> joyce carol oates is a writer of great compassion. she has written with warmth and understanding about the lives of oppressed women, boxers, movie stars, overly proud father is a, suicidal gay grooms, tattooed girls, the desperately poor of detroit, rich people who look middle-aged when they are young people still a jeffrey dahmer like a murderer who can never perfect for the right kind of zombie to keep him a mine, a female vampire, a boy scientists and well the sleepwalker dies of a kitten scratch. another girl his abusive parents turn him into a baby beauty queen and exploit her. she has written about a man who flees the holocaust for america and becomes a grave digger. what has she not written about? she has a range of a modern shakespeare. i am human so i consider nothing human to the alien toomey. this might well be her motto. but as deeply interesting as to be the friend of a great writer i have been privileged to be over the last dozen years. we have offices right across the hall from each other. in what days was -- i would de