host: let me aninterrupt. does this reflect your point did you? caller: yes, it does. i think the central bank needed to bring down -- the central bank are criminals that want to bring down everyone. government after government, things keep getting worse. host: let me jump in at this time. guest: i do not agree with you. we have been a democracy for over 200 years. we have had big problems and disagreements. with the exception of the civil war, we settled those within the confines of the political system. we do have a democracy. people revere freedom and liberty. we are going to argue about it. that is the nature of our society i do not believe -- society. the federal reserve is not operated by militants. it is the last place in the world, you will look for it military propaganda. host: you are critical of it. guest: what i was trying to say is -- i have been critical of the health care bill. i do not believe that given the stated the country's finance that this is the right time for this measure. it makes an already bad situation worse. just to give you a few figures,