marilyn werber serafini has been that health care reporter for "national journal" since 1995. she is one multiple awards. the most recent was from the association of health care journalists. she also got an award from the journalism center on children and families for an article that scrutinized president bush' controversy a proposal to give states money to encourage marriage and discourage divorce. she is written extensively about medicare policy, the insured, and by terrorism. she is covered congress since 1985. she served two terms as a member of the executive committee of the congressional periodical galleries. she received a master's in journalism and public affairs. she is the umpire for the national journalism health care experts blog, a highly regarded website where people talk about the best solutions for health care. she was the natural choice for a referee to daday. thank you. i will hand it over to the panel. [applause] >> and good morning. i am not sure i have ever been called an umpire before. i have never thought of my job that way, but i guess it is in many way