there's a great deal of innovation going on in the small online newsgathering organizations, but no sustainable new business model has risen. there are reasons to believe that the free market for news, especially public affairs news, is potentially subject to market failure. and that means there is a possibility that a new business model will not emerge. and, finally, it would not be novel for the government to provide indirect support for news organizations, and i emphasize indirect. so what did we do? we had a workshop in march for two days to talk about, together experts and talk about what might some of these policy options be, that should be considered? and that's where i believe it and i'm happy to elaborate if we have time or anybody is interested in spirit and we will definitely come back later and hear what comes next. steve, same question to you. where does your study stand and what do you think the next steps would be? >> the fcc's study as a couple months behind the ftc's study. we're looking at some of the same issues, but we also have a special emphasis. in addition to understandi