madrid, african-american, and richard lyng, quite got married in washington, d.c. 1958 but their marriage notice in race, too, d.c. was in the vanguard, this interesting. their marriage, however, was not recognized as legal in their home state of virginia. when they return they were arrested in the middle of the light in their own bedroom with a framed copy of their marriage certificate hanging over their bed and they were if convicted, sentenced one year in jail and told if they leave -- they could leave the state for 25 years in lieu of going to jail. so they left but they began a litigation that land to the landmark decision. now, like same-sex marriages, cross racial unions were a post with a variety of punitive arguments both political and theological. in hindsight however, we can clearly see that it discussed was at work. indeed it didn't hide its hand the idea of racial purity was proudly proclaimed for example in their racial integrity act of 1924 in virginia. ideas of taint and contamination were ubiquitous. if people felt disgusted and contaminated by the