today, we have a very different picture. 90% of homes use cable, satellite, or stelco systems for their -- telco systems for their television. you can block objectionable channels. thousands of hours of program are available on the internet. our kids use all of these sources interchangeably. is time to revisit the way that we regulate content. -- it is time to revisit the way that we regulate content. broadcasters compete not only against television and radio but against satellite, cable, telephone companies,@@@@@@@ @ Å investigates the merger of newspapers as if newspapers only compete with each other and television stations only compete with each other. parity in a regulatory approach makes sense. p,we need to look at whether te constitutional basis has fallen away. i don't think that the supreme court would go that far. regulation of broadcasting was based on the scarcity of spectrum in an older decision. because not all who want the spectrum can use it and the government is able to use regulation on those that do use the spectrum. whether there is scarcity of spectrum is a differen