the week's deliveries or however long, and it was perhaps christmas eve and he goes to th coolidge house and mr. coolidgu comes to the door. and he hands him a $10 bill and he says,'and that will be $9. 05 change, please.'e. so that's the type of story he tells.ta c-span: so when did you start this book? >> guest: i picked it up in at that time -- i'd finishedlleg college in '77, went to the, university of pennsylvania.u it had always -- not always; i should say since high school, ia had been in the back of my mindc that this notebook that myk father had amassed would really make a great book.wou and i picked it up in 1980 at a time when i had been laid off as a construction worker, which wai what i went into after college.o did that for a few years, was laid off, had a little bit of e time, about six months, and i thought, 'well, in six months, i can finish up this book or getci it into some sort of order ands send it off to a publisher and -- and see what they think.' and at that time the idea was just a collection, but i quicklq found that in that amount of time i was not going to be